In addition to its ability to design and develop programs or to facilitate collaboration across multiple industry sectors, AITEC can also offer programs across the following technology-centric industry sectors' areas:
- Defence and National Security;
- Health and Lifestyle;
- Education and Training;
- Information and Communications Technologies (ICT);
- Environment and Natural Resource Management;
- Spatial/Geographical Information Systems (GIS);
- International Regional Development;and
- other areas related to Special Community Needs and Support e.g. Indigenous Australians, Youth.
While these areas form AITEC's primary focus, the core capabilities of the company are educational program and project management - these capabilities are highly transferable to virtually any industry sector when industry-specific resources are utilised to complement AITEC's professional educational expertise. This has enabled AITEC to successfully deliver projects in the medical education, advanced engineering, export logistics and regional economic development fields.