The following is a brief summary of some of the many projects undertaken successfully by AITEC for its clients in the Health sector:
Oral Health Therapist Graduate Year Program

AITEC was contracted for the establishment and administration of this 3-year program and the promotion, recruitment and matching of 50 Oral Heath Therapists with public oral healthcare service providers across Australia for a 12-month placement. AITEC provided the web-based systems and facilities and all management and administration as well as paid all salaries for graduates and mentors, incentives and substantial dental infrastructure funding under the program. AITEC also managed the delivery of a specially-designed and developed on-line curriculum for the graduates in combination with industry-specialist webinars and graduate e-portfolios. AITEC achieved excellent outcomes and feedback in both independent external evaluations and internal evaluations.
Voluntary Dental Graduate Year Program

AITEC wa engaged for the establishment of this 3-year program and the promotion, recruitment and matching of 50 Dental graduates with public oral healthcare service providers across Australia for a 12-month placement. AITEC provided the web-based systems and facilities and all management and administration as well as paid all salaries for graduates and mentors, incentives and substantial dental infrastructure funding under the program. AITEC also managed the delivery of a specially-designed and developed on-line curriculum for the graduates in combination with industry-specialist webinars and graduate e-portfolios. AITEC achieved excellent outcomes and feedback in both independent external evaluations and internal evaluations.
National Stocktake of Workforce Curricula, Education and Training
AITEC undertook the National Stocktake of Workforce Curricula and Training for the Department of Health and Ageing with a specific focus in the areas of Dementia and Continence Management. This landmark stocktake spanned all levels of education and training from Higher Education through Vocational and Technical Education to Industry-based training, with both accredited and non-accredited training being logged. The project required analysis of the curricula to be undertaken to ascertain any gaps in available training and recommendations were provided for future action.
General Practice Education & Training Limited E-Learning Consultancy
GPET contracted AITEC on its behalf to evaluate various learning management systems and investigate the potential for e-learning to contribute to the General Practice Vocational Education Program offered by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. Recommendations were made following research into the current technologies and content appropriateness.
Further information about specific projects may be obtained upon request.